Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Big China and Little Trouble LP

This (LO-PANNING)is a great little release (as in only 150 available) following up the excellent Black Blood Of The Earth LP from Big China and Little Trouble. The concept for this is pretty far out awesome, so I'll just plagiarize the Magic Bullet Blog:

The latest from Brent Eyestone (Big China) and Mike Haley (Little Trouble), Lo-Panning is another nod back to the John Carpenter movie that inspired the entire project (Big Trouble in Little China) and the David Lo Pan character in particular (played by James Hong in the film). The concept for the album was to create a comprehensive, fully-submersed analog turntable experience that is both a play on the “Pan” part of the characters name (listeners can hear and experience the drone emissions coming from both Eyestone and Haley sliding across the stereo spectrum for the duration of the program) and a fitting tribute to the mystical powers exemplified by the brilliant nemesis of the film itself.
Simply denoted “Part I” and “Part II,” both sides of the LP successfully capture the hypnotic, enveloping vortex of David Lo Pan’s ancient raw powers. A subtly constant and humming melody anchors both sides almost like a raga, as Eyestone and Haley blast and churn compositional improvisation across the sonisphere. The results are a deliberately glacial and powerful presence seeping and oozing away from the melted minds of the creators and into the listening rooms of the new hosts of these diabolical spirits.

Packaged in a hand-screened, 6-color print featuring an original Eyestone illustration of David Lo Pan, only 150 copies of the first pressing exist for consumption. Each is hand-numbered and features glow in the dark vinyl. The intention is for the entire LP to be listened to in a room with the lights off, the listener facing the turntable and equidistant from both the left and the right speaker. Enjoy.

Order now right here

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