Tuesday, October 27, 2009

It's been a while

Well, it certainly has been a while (no, I am not going into the particulars here), suffice to say that the absence of content has not been entirely because of my laziness…entirely. It has been a busy and good several weeks though since any updates hit here; so we’ll try not to get into a long expose but hit on some brief lives.

A couple weeks back, I got better acquainted with someone at my wife’s aunt’s birthday get together, and it turned out that he was a DJ at WLFR (the old radio station that allowed me to spin some records on the airwaves). Well, this meeting gave rise to a semi lengthy discussion on the love of vinyl records, hosting a radio on WLFR, and some of the going’s on concerning the station. Lots of reminiscing and such went on through the conversations, as well as talking about everything going on with the station now. Low and behold the station’s 25th anniversary was coming up shortly, and the station managers were throwing a bit of a celebration in its honor; so, I was invited and decided to go.

Gholas is just about through writing our first full length, and we are shooting for a late January of 2010 recording session. On a personal level, I am very excited about the songs and hope they come out as we envision them. I am also hoping to record a Fissures album before the end of this year.

I did get to see Rorschach on their reunion tour, which was awesome. They were super tight and played a large amount of material. It definitely brought on a great deal of woolgathering and nostalgia.

Jenn’s tattooing is moving along, and she is getting better and better. We have the Richmond tattoo convention coming up in November that we are both looking forward to attending.

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